What it means to be rated by AM Best's
"A.M. Best Company is a full-service credit rating organization dedicated to serving the insurance industry. Policyholders refer to Best’s Credit Ratings and analysis as a means of assessing the financial strength and creditworthiness of risk-bearing entities and investment vehicles. A.M. Best publishes more than 50 print, online and CD-ROM products, providing ratings, key operating information and up-to-the-minute news—helping insurance professionals keep pace with the industry for 115 years. A.M. Best’s knowledge of the insurance sector, their standards of review and their position as an objective third party make them a trusted reference for those in the insurance industry seeking qualified legal representation.
Best’s Directory of Recommended Insurance Attorneys is an authoritative and detailed reference for locating qualified legal counsel with experience in handling the specific needs of the insurance industry. The Directory is a comprehensive online service and set of printed volumes that provides critical exposure to the clients that law firms and attorneys need to reach—and allows those clients to find law firms and attorneys based on their specific area of expertise.”
See https://www3.ambest.com/DPSDirectorySearch/CompanyDisplay.aspx?dpid=22874&nid=1